Independent Cycling Regiment: June 4th, Sunday, Chasing the Wind Young Man, move forward bravely! Ride on the Taihu Lake Lake!

On Sunday, April 30th, the Independent Cycling Regiment will follow the wind and move forward bravely! Ride on the Taihu Lake Lake! Suzhou backpacker Suzhou backpacker outdoor “In the process of a child’s growth, it is necessary to make them (her) do a few proud things, because this is the greatest source of strength in their future experiences.” – F.W.A.

Froebel (1782-1852) designer said: Have you ever felt anxious about your child’s future? We have always hoped that our children can be brave, resilient, not afraid of hardship, and not give up easily.

However, more often than not, we see his fragility, even cowardice.

We are very anxious about his future.

How can he compete with his peers and establish himself in his own era? This anxiety constantly reminds us to let him enter the group, enter nature, and have more exposure to nature, go hiking, cycling, and seeing mountains and rivers…

to do everything that can shape his character.

This time, we will continue with cycling.

It is no longer the 18 km track of Yangcheng Lake.

This time, we will go to the broader the Taihu Lake Lake.

The purpose of cycling is to continuously ride on the road as a healthy and environmentally friendly way of exercise, fully enjoying the beauty of the journey while also exercising children’s resilience and hard work outdoor spirit.

Experience challenges together in the fresh air and ample sunlight, and experience success at the end of the journey.

After riding this section of the road, the child’s cycling skills have been effectively exercised.

They have crossed steep slopes, slowly accelerated, relaxed, and chased within a safe range, felt the sound of the wind blowing in their ears, truly experienced the charm of cycling, and their hearts have also been released