This is the reason why I feel sore after riding

Lactic acid, a little friend who likes cycling must be no stranger.

After a high-intensity cycling / race, the muscles will become sore in the next few days.

In the early years, scientists observed that lactic acid generally exists in muscles when muscles are sore.

Therefore, it has always been believed that lactic acid is the culprit, and lactic acid is not a good thing.

What is the truth? In fact, lactic acid is really miserable.

A good hero has become a pot bearer.

In recent years, more and more scientific studies have shown that there is lactic acid in muscles when muscles are sore, but lactic acid is not the culprit causing muscle soreness! First of all, the time is not right! Because the metabolism speed of lactic acid is very fast, when you ride in leisure (real leisure riding), the human body mainly uses aerobic metabolism to provide energy for the body.

A small amount of lactic acid produced by anaerobic metabolism can be easily metabolized by the human body.

After becoming the leisure ride in the mouth of the big guys (Xiuxian ride for short), although lactic acid will accumulate a lot, lactic acid will be metabolized to a normal level within two hours after stopping / resting.

Since muscle soreness usually occurs 24-48 hours after strenuous exercise, it is meaningless to blame lactic acid.

Who is the real culprit of muscle soreness? Muscle soreness is more likely to be caused by the slight injury of your muscle tissue and the subsequent repair process because xiuxianqi exceeds the intensity you can currently load, so the culprit of muscle soreness is most likely delayed muscle soreness rather than lactic acid.

Someone will refute again, not saying: isn’t lactic acid metabolized quickly? So why did early research find that muscles contain a lot of lactic acid when they are sore? (the scene of the TV series is: what does the protagonist do at the murder scene when he is free?) Good question! This involves the second point, lactic acid / protagonist, what are you doing? Unlike everyone’s cognition, lactic acid is not a waste product of anaerobic exercise metabolism, but an energy supply substance in the state of hypoglycemia.

It is the same as glucose, amino acids and ketones.

When high-intensity Xiuxian riding, blood glucose in the body decreases, and lactic acid begins to accumulate in large quantities.

It shuttles through all parts of your body to provide energy for other tissues! Isn’t it incredible? Lactic acid suddenly becomes bright and positive.

Next, let’s take two examples: many racing drivers will take sodium bicarbonate before the race, which makes the blood more alkaline and allows muscles to release more lactic acid into the blood to reach a higher peak lactic acid.

I don’t know if it’s a stimulant, but it’s not what we’re going to discuss now.

If lactic acid interferes with sports performance, why do these drivers do this?! The following is a magical case report: a patient’s blood glucose level is about 13mg/dl.

What level is this? Normally, this patient should be in a coma (normal blood glucose is 70-100mg / dl); However, he can walk and talk well.

It’s unscientific at all, because his lactic acid measurement value is 25mmol/l (the value of normal people under static state is 1-2mmol/l).

Later research found that it is lactic acid that makes him maintain signs.

So, lactic acid is miserable, a protagonist behind the scenes who became a pot bearer! When the exercise intensity is low, the lactic acid in the blood is very stable, quietly watching you toss; When the exercise intensity comes up, lactic acid will come out to save you when you can’t hold your breath – the concentration suddenly increases exponentially, and the power will remain stable for a period of time; After that, I will carry the pot for you silently.

In addition, everyone’s lactic acid threshold is different.

Some people trigger lactic acid “lactic acid Guardian” to take action as soon as the intensity is a little higher, and some people can struggle for a while.

Compared with maximal oxygen uptake, lactate threshold can objectively and accurately reflect the level of aerobic capacity.

More importantly, lactate threshold can be improved through training…