Proper riding can adjust the damage to the body

The seat cushion angle should be basically level with the ground, which is a long-term principle.

However, if the seat is slightly adjusted and tilted forward within 5 degrees, the perineum will be stretched, which is extremely comfortable, and the maximum is no more than 10 degrees.

It also depends on individual differences.

Our general adjustment method of cushion height is to stand upright and adjust the height of the seat to the height of the anterior superior iliac spine.

In long-distance cycling, the seat can be slightly lower, about three fingers.

Another more accurate method is to sit on the seat (about 14.5 cm from the front of the seat), and step on the pedal with your heels, and your legs can just be stretched out.

Correct riding posture! Study the figure below carefully! The upper body is low, and the head is slightly tilted and stretched forward; The natural bending of both arms facilitates the bending of the waist, reduces the center of gravity of the body, and prevents the impact force generated by the bumpiness of the car from reaching the whole body; Hold the handle lightly and forcefully with both hands, and sit firmly on the seat with your hips.

Relax properly! To have a reasonable rest during normal riding, you can generally consider getting off the bus for about 15 kilometers to have a rest.

After getting off the bus, don’t sit on the ground, walk around and move your waist to alleviate the stiffness caused by long-term and rapid pedaling and local hypoxia, It can also do leg pressing or finger pressing knee eye acupoint (located in the lower recess of the knee when it is folded into a right angle, finger pressing with the middle finger of both hands.

Exhale slowly while pressing hard for 6 seconds, doing this for 10 times, three groups a day) has a certain effect on alleviating the acid, swelling, numbness and pain (knee); If you can’t alleviate the basic symptoms, you can consider using some external pain relief drugs at the next rest to help solve this problem in a timely and rapid manner.

There are also some ways to relax in the car: 1.

Shaking the car can alleviate the poor blood circulation of PP.


In the downhill process with a long distance, the center of gravity can be moved back, the hips can leave the seat, and the thighs can be gently leaned on the seat or clamped on the seat to relax the legs and perineum.

If the slope is not too steep, you can also stand up, straighten your body and relax your waist, but you should pay attention to the road conditions and fall in time to ensure safety.


When going downhill, you can also sit on the upper beam, sit with your thighs ~ straighten your upper body, and relax your back and arms.


If your wrist is sore, you can loosen your grip on the handlebar, which is a feeling that your hand is at odds with the handlebar ~ but pay attention, and your fingers must be on the brake.

Remember, the premise of relaxing in the car is to ensure safety! Why is it important to ride correctly? Healthy and happy riding is the desire of every rider, but in many riding activities, we often ignore many small details, especially the riding posture! Wrong riding posture often brings diseases to the body.

Numbness and tingling of both hands? Have you ever felt numb, tingling or weak in your hands after riding? If so, be careful of the visit of “ulnar nerve paralysis” and “carpal tunnel syndrome”, which are the two most common hand injuries in riding.

When riding, the fulcrum where both hands contact with the grip is the key to control the direction of travel when riding.

The forward leaning of the upper body makes it easy for the rider to press the upper body strength on this fulcrum, and excessive pressure will lead to the compression of the palm nerve.

If you compress the median nerve, there will be “carpal tunnel syndrome”, and if you compress the little finger nerve, there will be “ulnar nerve paralysis”.

Prevent this disease: adjust the height of the cushion, handlebars and pedals that are suitable for you.

Pay attention to the correct riding posture during riding, and don’t put all your strength on your hands and wrists; Pay attention to adjust the holding posture, so that some muscles can rest; In addition, don’t forget to warm up before riding, especially stretching your hands and wrists.

Knee joint semilunar injury? Many riders quit cycling because of the injury of knee meniscus caused by cycling.

The knee meniscus is fibrocartilage tissue, which is meniscus in plane, which can enhance the stability of knee joint.

Causes of knee meniscus injury: ① when riding, both knees will unconsciously turn inward or outward, making the direction of the foot inconsistent with the direction of the force, which is easy to cause damage to the knee in the long run; ② If you suddenly force yourself to speed up during riding and your thigh muscles don’t keep up, your body weight will press on your knees, which will also cause knee injury; ③ Too high or too low cushion will also lead to knee damage…

To prevent knee meniscus injury, the above wrong habits should be changed as soon as possible.

Cervical spine ache? Can riding cause cervical spondylosis? The answer is “yes”, and the probability is very high.

When a cyclist leans forward excessively during riding, he must raise his head and tilt his neck in order to observe the front.

This is a forced posture, which will cause neck muscle tension.

In the long run, cervical joints and muscles are prone to fatigue and injury, which can induce cervical spondylosis, neck and shoulder pain, dizziness and other symptoms.

Prevention of this disease: pay more attention to correcting the riding posture.

Occasionally move your neck ~..