How to deal with heatstroke in summer riding

The cause of heatstroke heatstroke is the general name of the symptoms of body temperature regulation disorder, water and electrolyte metabolism disorder and nervous system function damage under the long-term action of high temperature and heat radiation.

It is an emergency caused by the disorder of heat balance function.

It can be divided into three types: the first is the heat radiation disease that is easy to appear in a stuffy room.

The patient will feel headache, dizziness and thirst, and then the body temperature will rise rapidly, the pulse will speed up, the face will turn red, and even coma.

The second kind is sunburn.

When exercising on the seashore, mountaineering or in hot summer, due to exposure to the sun for too long and lack of protection for the head, high fever, tinnitus, nausea, headache, vomiting, drowsiness, fear of light stimulation and other phenomena suddenly occur.

This is sunburn.

Serious solar radiation can also cause death.

Don’t be careless and take emergency measures.

The third kind is called heat spasm.

In a high-temperature environment, the body will sweat a lot and lose a lot of salt, so that the sodium content in the blood is too low, causing spasms in the legs, even limbs and muscles of the whole body.

The symptoms of heatstroke are mild and severe, and there are different clinical manifestations in heatstroke.

Under the high temperature environment, people can first appear “threatened heatstroke”, which is manifested as sweating, thirst, weakness, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, palpitation, inattention, numbness of limbs, uncoordinated movement, etc.

At this time, if it is transferred to a cool and ventilated place in time and supplemented with water and salt, it can be recovered in a short time.

If the above symptoms worsen, the patient’s body temperature rises above 38 ℃, his face flushes or pales, sweating, wet and cold skin, weak pulse, fast heart rate and decreased blood pressure may be mild heatstroke, which needs to be treated in time and rest for several hours.

In severe heatstroke, most patients are in a sudden coma in a high-temperature environment.

Before, patients often had headache, numbness, dizziness, restlessness or insanity, disorientation, and limb movement, etc., skin sweating stopped, dry, hot and red, and the temperature was usually above 40 ℃.

Tips for dealing with summer heat 1 Drink water: drink slowly and don’t drink fiercely when you are thirsty; Drink warm water, not ice water; Drink water regularly, not when you are thirsty; Drink boiled water, not raw water; Drink fresh warm water instead of “Chen” water; You can also drink more warm boiled water with light salt.


Drink some diluted electrolyte drinks: stay away from alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes.


Slowly adapt to the change of temperature: when engaging in outdoor activities, slow down and don’t show off.


Timely heat dissipation: when it is too hot, you should shower your head and neck with cold water to evaporate water to help heat dissipation.


Pay attention to weight changes: heatstroke may lead to gradual collapse of the body for several consecutive days.

Therefore, if the weight drops sharply within a few days, you should pay attention to it.


Wear a hat when going out: wear a hat when going out in summer to slow down the heat absorption rate of the head and neck, especially for those who are bald or have little hair.


Don’t go out shirtless: to avoid absorbing more radiant heat, ventilated cotton shirts have a more sunstroke relieving effect than shirtless.


Wear light colored clothes: cotton and polyester synthetic clothes are the most breathable.


Eat more melons: white gourd diuresis, anti-inflammatory, heat clearing and detoxification; Towel gourd can relieve heat and dispel wind, dissipate phlegm and cool blood; Bitter gourd dispels heat and clears the heart; The cellulose in cucumber can excrete the rotten food in the intestine and reduce cholesterol; Pumpkin can replenish qi, diminish inflammation and relieve pain.


Eat more cool vegetables: like tomatoes, eggplant, lettuce, asparagus and so on.


Eat more bitter dishes, which is conducive to relieving the heat and dryness.

Balsam pear, bitter vegetables, Kuding tea and bitter bamboo shoots are all excellent food for summer heatstroke prevention.


Take more baths and help sweat leave the body.


Ensure adequate sleep: reasonably arrange work and rest time, and do not exercise too much in the hot noon and strong sunlight…