Party building leads the aggregation of strength, vitality strives for a new journey “public welfare cycling activity

In order to continuously improve the quality of cadres and workers, activate their cultural and sports life, enhance the cohesion of trade unions, realize, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of workers, further enhance the environmental awareness of cadres and workers, advocate green, healthy and low-carbon lifestyles and consumption concepts, and fully play the role of trade unions as bridges and links, the Armed Forces Department of Hailar Road Sub district, the Sub district Federation of Trade Unions, and the Princess Mansion Community jointly launched the theme public welfare cycling promotion activity of “Party Building Leading Aggregation Power, Vitality Advancing New Journey” with Meituan.

Comfortable Bike Seats

The participants are all cadres and staff of the Hailar Road Office and community, community volunteers, representatives of enterprises in the jurisdiction, and specially invited cadres and staff of the Xincheng District Federation of Trade Unions.
