Riding without a helmet really puts one’s head at a disadvantage

Wearing a safety helmet while driving an electric bicycle has become a consensus among many people, but there are still some who, with the mentality of taking chances or trying to save trouble, turn a deaf ear to wearing a helmet..

Bike Repair Rack

Case: At around 8:38 am on March 4, 2024, at the intersection of Wenhai North Road and Qihui Road in Chang’an Town (High tech Zone), Haining, Zhejiang, Xu illegally carried a passenger while driving an electric bicycle and ran a red light. He collided with a normally driving car. The accident caused varying degrees of damage to two vehicles, and Xu and the passengers on board suffered head injuries due to not wearing safety helmets..

So, what is the difference between wearing a helmet and not wearing a helmet, as well as wearing a half helmet and a full helmet, at the moment of an accident? Let’s take a look at ↓↓ through the following two sets of experiments.

Electric bicycles are a typical type of “meat wrapped in iron”. Once they collide with a motor vehicle, the driver and passengers of electric bicycles have a higher rate of injury and death. Therefore, when driving an electric bike, it is necessary to consciously wear a safety helmet..

When passing through intersections controlled by traffic lights, be sure to follow the instructions of the traffic lights. It is better to stop for three minutes than to rush for a second. Do not take chances and rush for a moment..

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