6 pieces of advice for those who love cycling

Cycling is easy to become addicted to and can also lead to overexertion.

Cycling enthusiasts must not disobey their body’s will and force themselves to ride, as this is harmful and useless
Here are 6 pieces of advice, hoping to help you regain the feeling of riding a bike back in the day
Some impatient riders can’t wait to ride as soon as they put on various equipment.

This habit is not good.

Although some people are not affected, if they do it for a long time, problems such as cramps and knee pain will often visit your body
No matter how long you ride or how long you ride, adequate warm-up is necessary as it can reduce sports injuries
If you feel unwell, you should stop exercising or reduce the amount of cycling, otherwise it will worsen the condition and prolong the illness period
If you encounter symptoms such as dizziness, chest tightness, chest pain, etc.

while cycling, you should immediately stop cycling activities and avoid overexertion, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, to prevent sudden death caused by exercise
Some young car enthusiasts feel energetic and believe that the more they ride, the better
When cycling excessively, it can lead to excessive withdrawal movement, which can damage the body’s immune function and affect health
Because during intense exercise, the body produces more hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can lead to a decrease in immunity, dizziness, blurred vision, lack of balance, and decreased brain response
After excessive exercise, the heart becomes enlarged and the blood supply is often poor, which can easily lead to malignant arrhythmia and sudden death
It depends on one’s current physical condition and adaptability.

The amount of exercise that does not make the body feel uncomfortable during exercise is moderate, and the standard is to be full of energy and not feel tired after exercise
It is recommended that fast riders slow down to avoid losses, slow riders avoid chasing or rushing, and long-distance rides are not wasted
Whether it’s a long-distance or short distance ride, it’s important to rest and replenish during the ride.

Bike Pedal Wrench

It’s generally recommended to rest for 5 to 10 minutes every hour and drink at least 600ml of water per hour, especially during the hot summer months.