Civilized transportation, you must pay attention when riding electric bikes!

In recent years, electric bicycles have become the preferred means of transportation for many traffic participants due to their convenience, speed, compactness, and low congestion.

However, the frequent occurrence of traffic accidents caused by electric bicycle traffic behavior seriously threatens the safety of people’s lives and property.

These real cases occur when riding safely, starting from complying with traffic laws and regulations, and keeping in mind the “Eight Elements of Safe Riding”.

01 Driving electric bicycles on the road according to the prescribed lane, Be sure to use non motorized lanes; Pay attention to driving on the right when there are no non motorized lanes set up; If you need to take a detour, you should pay more attention to observing the traffic environment around the road to ensure safety.

When electric vehicles are driving on non motorized lanes, they must comply with traffic signals when passing.

Caring for life and complying with laws and regulations are prerequisites for safe travel.

Stop at a red light, go at a green light, slow down when encountering a yellow light, etc.


Wearing a safety helmet correctly can provide basic protection for drivers and passengers, so when driving an electric vehicle, it is necessary to wear a safety helmet.

The function of a helmet is to prevent or minimize head injuries to drivers and passengers in the event of a traffic accident.

Wearing a safety helmet is equivalent to adding an extra layer of safety insurance to one’s life.

Speeding over 30 kilometers per hour is strictly prohibited, which will greatly reduce the safety factor of electric vehicles.

Moreover, in the event of a traffic accident, electric vehicles exceeding 20 kilometers per hour will be treated as motorcycle accidents.

According to Article 89 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, it is strictly prohibited to drive in the opposite direction.

Pedestrians, passengers, and non motorized vehicle drivers who violate road traffic safety laws and regulations regarding road traffic regulations shall be given a warning or fined not less than five yuan but not more than fifty yuan; Non motorized vehicle drivers who refuse to accept fines may detain their non motorized vehicles.

If a traffic accident occurs with a non motorized vehicle driving in the opposite direction, they shall bear full responsibility.

06 It is strictly prohibited to change lanes at will and not drive on the motorway.

Remember to turn turn signal in advance when turning, especially when turning at the intersection, pay attention to avoiding large trucks.

Due to the driver’s vision, safety accidents are likely to occur.


It is strictly prohibited to follow closely and maintain a safe distance of at least 1/10 of the speed of the electric vehicle in front of you, such as a distance of at least 4 meters at a speed of 40 yards, so that you have reaction time to deal with emergency situations.

08 Prohibition of Drunk Driving “Driving without Drinking, Drinking without Driving” Among them, “Car” not only refers to cars and motorcycles, but also electric vehicles, even bicycles.

Even riding a bicycle after drinking poses a danger to oneself