Riding can prevent many diseases. Ride quickly
A new report shows that more and more cyclists are riding in Britain.
Riding can avoid 34 thousand life-threatening injuries, including diabetes, breast cancer and depression.
According to sustrans, a transportation charity, 628 premature deaths can be avoided by doubling the time of cycling every eight years.
From the sustrans bicycle life study, the study found that the increase of bicycle riding can also save the NHS (British national medical service system) 319 million pounds.
Xavier bris, chief executive of the charity, said: “Our report provides 34000 reasons why British governments should give priority to bicycle investment.
Every part of the country is facing the crisis of lack of exercise and obesity, which is why policymakers need to take the initiative to address these problems positively.” prevention is better than treatment “is a frequently repeated phrase by British health ministers, but the response is becoming increasingly strict The NHS should not be the only one to deal with a serious health crisis.
” According to the study entitled “transition cities: the potential of cycling every day”, Britain will benefit greatly if it can increase the number of cycling in seven cities, as London has done since the millennium.
Schuster Lance said that from 2017 to 2040, there will be double cycling every 8 years in Belfast, Bermingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Greater Manchester and Newcastle, which can save hundreds of lives and bring billions of dollars to the economy.
The increase in cycling will be equivalent to 242.4 million hours of additional exercise, reducing 628 premature deaths and reducing spending by £ 21 billion, including nhs3.3 £ 1.9 billion.
“Like many cities and regions in the UK, cycling is increasing in Greater Manchester, although not as fast as we would like to see,” said Andy Burnham, mayor of Greater Manchester.
“We still have a long way to go before we can call cycling a ‘normal’ way of travel so that all our residents can ride bicycles.” Sustrans, together with other cycling and walking organizations, hopes that the British government will commit 5% of the active tourism and transportation budget to increase to 10% by 2025, equivalent to an increase of £ 17 to £ 34 per capita.
The report lists five prerequisites for local governments to help increase cycling – political commitment, high-quality cycling network, communities that give priority to active travel, individuals and enterprises that support changing travel behavior, and the full integration of cycling with public transport, family and work.
Marvin Rees, mayor of Bristol City Council, said: “Bristol has proved that it is possible for a city to double the number of bicycles within 10 years.
We are committed to maintaining this momentum to ensure that we achieve our future goals, especially improving air quality and achieving carbon neutrality.”..