October 22 [Luotian Forest Farm Cycling Camp] Wind breaking Warriors challenge 18km mountain cross-country riding

Since the launch of the Maozhou River Green Road Riding Camp, a group of energetic young wind chasers, a mountain bike and a brave and determined heart, have met 14 kilometers on the green road, overcome various difficulties and setbacks on the way, and each wind chaser has successfully completed the primary challenge.

This is also a time to sharpen their minds It’s a great opportunity to harvest courage.

The primary cycling camp is loved by parents and children.

After repeatedly surveying the route and actual foothold, we decided to launch an advanced cycling route, Luotian Forest Farm, 18km mountain cross-country cycling, wind chasing teenagers, Get ready to meet a stronger self at the next stop.

Take live photos of previous events → get more advanced riding and accumulate riding experience, Challenging longer distances and more complex cycling routes can cultivate children’s perseverance and self-confidence, and they can go forward bravely when encountering difficulties, which can improve children’s cardiopulmonary function and develop leg and foot muscle strength, Improve your body coordination, measure the world with wheels, experience the fun of riding at your own speed, explore the unknown world ahead and get in close contact with nature, feel freedom, and release yourself, A solo spiritual journey Luotian Forest Farm introduces Shenzhen’s North Gate: Luotian Forest Farm was built in 1958, with a total area of 12500 mu and a forest coverage rate of 96.4%.

It is a successful example for Shenzhen to successfully promote the construction of a forest city through the reform of the system and mechanism, and it is also the first provincial forest park in the city that integrates hiking, sightseeing and popular science education.

With more than 90% green coverage and 10 times of the negative oxygen ion content of the “fresh air” standard, it is the desired cycling route for cyclists.

The cycling section passes through mountain forests, reservoirs, industrial zones, grasslands, lychee forests, and fishing grounds.

While challenging themselves and advancing bravely, children can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Luotian Forest Farm.

Upgrading of riding professional knowledge and skills Common riding gesture recognition and learning We will simulate the scene, explain to children the traffic rules of outdoor riding, the gestures of communication during riding, emergency response methods, etc., and build children’s awareness of safe riding.

In the process of cycling, it is difficult for front and rear members to communicate with each other by language.

Professional cycling teams must master professional gestures and timely grasp the information transmitted in front of them to avoid a series of hidden dangers such as sudden braking.

Learn to adjust the pain and discomfort in riding.

Incorrect riding posture will lead to discomfort in Achilles tendon, back, ankle, arm and other parts.

Learn to distinguish and timely self adjust, which can avoid injuries caused by improper actions, and can better complete long-distance riding challenges.

Bicycle seat and gear debugging learned how to adjust the seat height properly, and how to apply what gear speed regulation in different road sections? How to speed up and down the slope? Together, we should strengthen learning and give full play to the advantages of mountain biking.

Professional riding gestures Learn from the 18km advanced challenge of Luotian Forest Farm.

Put on your helmet, protective equipment, and ride a bicycle to become a little knight breaking the wind, Start the 18km high-energy challenge, feel the wind on the greenway and enjoy it freely.

This unique free riding brigade and small partners ride together to the same goal, which seems like an “unreachable goal” We believe that in every child who loves riding, riding has a different meaning, or it is an exploration of the unknown, or a perception of life, or a breakthrough in oneself, or a sharpening of growth, or it is a unique growth memory in his childhood…

Riding is not about the destination, but always on the road.

As a healthy and environment-friendly way of sports, cycling can fully enjoy the beauty of the journey and also exercise children’s outdoor spirit of perseverance and hard work.

Under the fresh air and sufficient sunshine, we can experience challenges together in the midst of difficulties, and experience the happiness of success at the end of the journey..