In the process of riding, the matters to prevent knee injury cannot be less!

Cycling is a great sport, and even many cyclists regard cycling as a part of their life.

Every weekend, go to the suburbs to ride with your friends or family.

But day after day, uninterrupted cycling may bring you a symptom similar to an occupational disease with age, such as knee strain.

Knee strain is a common sports injury for cycling enthusiasts, which is mainly caused by long-term endless cycling.

The endless repeated flexion, extension and torsion of knee joint, continuous impact and friction of joint surface will form wear injury after a long time.

What’s more, it will lead to “patella malacia”.

Patella malacia is a common disease of knee joint, which often occurs in young adults, especially among athletes and cyclists.

The main pathological changes are the degenerative changes of cartilage, including cartilage swelling, fragmentation and abscission.

Finally, the same lesions also occur in the corresponding parts of femoral condyle.

With so much introduced above, how should cyclists face these problems? Xiaobian gives some small suggestions to cyclists from the perspective of prevention, and cyclists can pay more attention and prevention in the process of cycling in the future.


Choose the appropriate bicycle size according to your height and try to fit it well.

The wrong foot extension angle will double the pressure on your knees.

In short, the seat should not be too high or too low.

It is most appropriate that the legs are slightly bent and about to straighten when stepping on the foot.


Choose a suitable riding posture and don’t blindly learn from professional drivers.

Their too aggressive riding posture is not suitable for everyone, which may cause various fatigue injuries to our ordinary people’s bodies.


Be sure to warm up before fierce riding.

As you get older, it may take up to 30 minutes to warm up.

Riding violently without any warm-up exercise causes great damage to the knee.


Tread frequency.

Try to maintain a tread frequency of 80 or higher.

Big market and small flying are the enemy of the knee.


Don’t challenge yourself too often.

The amount of training increases too fast, so that the body can cope with high-intensity and frequent training without sufficient adaptation, which has a great impact on the joint synovium, joint lubricant and calcium circulation system.


Pay attention to muscle exercise at ordinary times.

Stronger muscle support can effectively protect the health of knee joints.

Static squatting and deep squatting can be used to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint.

The above points in the daily riding, riders should pay more attention to protect their knees, so as to increase their riding life and enjoy the fun brought by riding more happily.

Jiegeliwa Xiaomo Henan Jieante club welcomes you to take the lead in low-carbon travel, healthy cycling and leisurely riding.

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