Does your back ache when you ride? The secret is to avoid back pain.

Backache is the most common problem of mountain bikers.

Both beginners and professional athletes complain about this problem.


Edward Shang, an expert of Mountain Bike magazine, tells us how to avoid back pain and how to make your back strong.

Even professional players have back pain problems.

Regina Stiefl, a world-class female downhill cyclist, recalled: “Every early spring when I strengthen training and ride frequently, my back always hurts.” The beginners of mountain biking often experience serious back pain after their first journey: intense pain in the neck and back, and pain in the lumbar spine.

“Will mountain biking bring fun? Is it healthy?” The novice often shakes his head doubtfully and asks himself.

More than 50% of knights complained of low back pain.


Edward Shang, a fitness expert of Mountain Bike magazine and an experienced knight, said: “Back pain and muscle tension of shoulders and neck are the primary pain of cyclists.” At least 50% of cyclists complain of low back pain.

However, in most cases, such pain can be avoided.

There are two ways to help your back, Dr.

Shang: “The right seat cushion position and daily stretching exercise will produce amazing results.” Back pain is as avoidable as chain falling off.

As long as we can find out the correct cushion posture, frame height, upper tube length, etc.

that are suitable for our body shape and riding style, we can prevent back pain.

As for the knight who has low back pain, he can use the stretching exercise therapy introduced below.

Pay attention to whether the seat cushion posture is correct when buying a car.

Many professional retailers often get the focus of the question wrong.

They will ask consumers: “Are you a sports or leisure rider? Do you really ride a bike well, or do you want to relax like a Dutch bike?” Faced with such a problem, every consumer will express that he wants to ride a bike like an athlete.

However, it is often misunderstood that the sitting posture that makes the upper body stretch forward and downward as far as possible is the sports sitting posture.

In fact, this kind of sitting posture originated from the early stage of the development of mountain biking.

Today, it seems that this kind of sitting posture is completely untenable.

The “sports posture” with the upper body flat is not a good sitting posture.

In fact, the so-called sports posture with the upper body flat is not popular even among off-road vehicle professionals.

Rune Hoydahl, a Norwegian athlete who has won the World Cup for many times, explained: “Even among racing drivers, riding with the upper body flat is no longer popular.

World Cup competitions are very tough, and can last for three hours.

With a gentle upper body tilt, it is easier to pass the test.

Moreover, it makes the lungs and diaphragm breathe unimpeded.” Regina Stiefl, a female downhill cyclist, recognized the serious impact of poor sitting posture from her painful experience: “Once upon a time, when I was riding a sports car on the road, I always felt like I was in hell.

However, when I rode downhill in an upright sitting posture, I never had back pain.” If you step onto a bicycle with a high cushion and a long upper tube, almost everyone will suffer from back pain.

We just need to think about the reaction of muscles when riding a bike to understand that the weight of a knight’s upper body and head must be supported by his hands and arms.

The meat of the whole head and neck is heavily burdened by the long-term static support work.

Sitting with the upper body leaning forward moves the body’s weight forward, so the muscles must bear more weight.

In particular, the muscles of the scapula will be overloaded due to several hours of support work.

In addition, every tree root and hole that a bicycle passes will bring impact force, which will bring extra burden to the muscles.

This is the most difficult task for untrained muscles.

At least for beginners.

In order to effectively train relevant muscle tissues, we must start step by step to give muscles the opportunity to adapt to their new position on the bike.

In this way, the muscle will quickly adapt itself to the new type of burden.

Additional stretching and weight training can speed up the process (Regina Stiefl, a female athlete, has also benefited from this).

The important thing is: weight training can only be carried out under the guidance of professional trainers, because every wrong move may cause damage.

Of course, there are many other reasons for severe back pain, such as incorrect posture, improper seats in the office, and so on.

In the case of back pain, the doctor must judge what effect riding a bicycle will have on the back.

In general, orthopedic surgeons classify swimming and cycling as back friendly exercises.

“If the doctor permits, the full shock absorber is the best choice.” Dr.

Shang suggested that those whose back pain is not caused by the grip should try full shock absorption.

“The rear wheel shock absorbers can reduce the impact that would have been exerted on the lumbar vertebrae.” The consensus of experts is that mountain biking is healthy.

The problem is how to adjust the height of the frame and the length of the upper tube.

As long as you can find the right sitting posture and do muscle relaxation regularly, you don’t need to avoid the path full of tree roots.

Tip 1: Choose a bike of appropriate size to ensure the correct sitting posture.

For beginners and tourist riders who just want to relax by bicycle, choose a bike that is suitable for them to ensure the correct sitting posture.

The ideal seat cushion position is: short upper tube; The height difference between the seat cushion and the handle is small.

Knights with back problems should also choose this sitting position, because this sitting position can reduce the burden of back muscles.

After regular training, you can lower the handle height.

However, it should be noted that each change must be gradually adapted.

The difference of half a centimeter has already had a great impact.

The trained rider’s sitting posture, whose back muscles can adapt to the riding load, should try to sit with the upper body forward..